Captain Sim Boeing 757-200

Ezeiza Internacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina 13:00Zss0gj5

“Ezeiza Ground, UPS2122, we are ready for push and Start up”

Well, I dont have to clarify which model I am using for fly this UPS flight.

A little bit of history, the Boeing 757 was developed in the 80s due to the rising demand of transporting many passengers at a low fuel cost, and the 757 family gave in the target. There were more than 1000 produced in their -200 and -300 version (this last one didn’t have much success in the last years because of the 737-800). The last model was delivered in October 2004.
Using the corresponding button I remove the yoke, and I can now clearly see the 2D panel perfectly.Back to the game, I feel that I am in the real 757-200 cockpit, in the ramp 1 we are ready for start this flight in this wonderful Captain Sim creation.
The first thing I see is the 2D panel very detailed, with the instruments clearly visible and the Captain Sim menu at the left. I even see the yoke that hides the EHSI.

First thing I should do is to load the route in the FMC, so, with the menu I click on the FMC button, and as if it were a real one, I load it up to having the take-off speeds and secure.

Then, for beginning the start up procedure, I follow the checklist of course. Now I look the Overhead and I can see an amazing panel 100% reality, with the functional instruments and perfectly simulating the real functions, I mean, the engine will not run if I don’t turn on the APU or the external power connected, that is something to consider, if we want to have the better realism available when starting our flights.

Now we are ready for pushback, I give the OK to the ramp operators and as we are pushing back, I make the start up procedures.
The start of the engines seems to be very real and we don’t have problems during it.
We start taxing to the runway in use, the runway 11. While we taxi, we set the MCP for after take off operations.
The automatic pilot in this model is very easy to set correctly.

Before entering the runway, I change to the Virtual Cockpit.
That level of details, let me tell you, is very hard to get, it is completely functional, we can use any instrument, open the windows, open the doors, and if you have Active Camera®, you can even go to the toilet!
But of course, I am about to enter the runway, I can’t be at the toilet! So, I go back to the cabin and centre the plane on the runway, and with the corresponding clearance, we take off.

The first sensation if flight is that is a plane very easy to fly, I don’t feel it heavy, and answers perfect to the commands.
I personally, don’t know if it is exactly like the real one, but I have read a lot of stories, and I can affirm that it approaches to reality.
The plane reaches the cruise with no problems, and it realizes the procedures exactly like we load it in the FMC.
Starting the approach, I configure the FMC for the destiny airport, and I land with no news.
It is a plane very easy to manoeuvre at low speeds and the landing was very soft without complications.
Once we have the gate number, we taxi to it and with the engine off we make a walk around this excellent model.
We can clearly see the termination is very well defined, and from the menu you can lift up the nose cone and see how event the radar is animated.

You can also lift the engine cover up, collocate the safety strip and cover the engines on to avoid rubbish.
It is amazing, in this cargo model, when you open the cargo door you can watch how the interior of the plane with optimum detail level.
To sum up, as you see in the screenshots, this aircraft is: HIGHABLE RECOMENDALBE.

If you acquire every package brings:

• 4 Boeing 757-200 Model Variations + 8 Model Variations!
• High resolution Textures of 14 liveries + 23 New Liveries!
• High resolution Captain view 2D Panel
• 2 High resolution 2D Overhead Panels
• 6 High resolution 2D Interior Views
• Passenger Wing Views
• Advanced Simicons Panel
• Dynamic Wing Flex
• Dynamic Wing Flaps Vortices
• Blended Winglets
• Additional Systems Programming – hundreds of added or improved items
• 97 Custom Model Animations
• Exterior Model Systems Programming
• Exterior Model Animation Control Panel
• Stewardess Model (different airline uniforms)
• Highly detailed 3D (VC) of the:
– Flight Deck
– Passenger Cabin
– Galley
– Lavatory
• 273 Custom 3D Animations in the VC
• VC High resolution textures
• VC Views Control 2D Panel
• 40+ 2D systems pop-up panels
• Systems Programming
• Repaint Kit
• Exclusive Effects
• 38 Free Liveries
• Flight Manual Part I – Users Manual (49 Pages)
• Flight Manual Part II – Aircraft Systems (98 Pages)
• Free Customer Support and Updates

Captain Sim recommends the following hardware for this model

• CPU 3.0 GHz
• 1024 Mb of RAM
• 256 Mb video card
• 3+ Gb of free space on the MSFS hard drive
• Windows XP
• MS Flight Simulator 2004
• Internet Access (for installation/re-installation)

Provided by CAPTAINSIM 


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