For FS2000/CFS/FS98
Scenery designed by Raul Luis Terraz
Reviewed by Santiago Cianciulli

Argentina, located in the South American continent, a country in which the one traffics air it grows more and more, as well as the virtual air traffic, for this reason us the Argentineans need a GOOD scenario for fs2000, and I found it. The Author is Raúl Terraz, the current version includes alone some airports of Argentina, but, the most important, they are included. A very important fact and attractiveness is that all the airports have air traffic that takes off and it lands while we are there.

One of the most important airports is the airport international MINISTRO PISTARINI, EZEIZA, in this airport the platforms are located exactly the same as in the reality, not alone by day this airport is impressive, but also at night!, since it possesses a very good illumination; this airport has the 2 international terminals, the TERMINAL A, corresponding to Aerolíneas Argentinas and in its defect to the airlines that the alliance of this, and the TERMINAL B, where the rest of the airlines that they arrive to our country are. In the scenario they can be identified each espigón exactly. In the platform, all the doors possess access sleeves, each one with their I number corresponding. An experience that I like it a lot is to arrive to the RWY 11 of the airport at night, since like I said previously it possesses an impressive illumination.

A very important and very converged airport, it is the AEROPARQUE JORGE NEWBERY, this airport this created VERY well, also the effect of illumination at night it is impressive.

The landing in the aeroparque is very easy, since alone the ILS of the RWY 13 should be intercepted. The only problem is that it possesses a very short RWY (2500 aprox) therefore it is necessary to know how to land the airplane perfectly at the beginning of the hint to assure a perfect landing. The other RWY (31) alone it possesses visual approach, and this it is very amusing, since to carry out it, it is necessary to intercept the ILS of the RWY 13, and when we arrive to the EXTERNAL buoy, a turn should be carried out by left around the aeroparque it stops then to approach in visual form to the RWY 31. This landing is not very common in the airport, but he doesn’t stop to be a maneuver in the one that, if one not this accustomed one to carry out it, is to think to leave the airplane in perfect position to land him, particularly I recommend it to him, have more than enough this I have an anecdote: “I never carried out that approach, it was in connected flight to SB and approaching to RWY 13, suddenly they count me that the winds changed address and it should land for the RWY 13 that of course didn’t know that this procedure existed; for SB they explained to me it and he/she carries out it 2 times until I could land the airplane”.

Generally in virtual flights this it is the used airport, if you lower it, I recommend them to carry out a flight leaving of he KNOWS (Aeroparque), requesting the controller some destination to pleasure of him.

Another excellent airport to my pleasure (I was born there :o)), it is that of MENDOZA, El Plumerillo (SAME), surrounded by the mountain ranges of you walk them, and an excellent graphic representation with regard to the real airport, possesses very good view, an approach in this airport it is a beautiful view, since they can admire the whole landscape that surrounds this beautiful city. I recommend them to fly to this destination because it is one delos prettier places of the country, and just as in the reality this represented excellent. It possesses with dynamic airplanes, not alone of Argentinean airlines but also of our country neighboring CHILE.

You will know in Argentina, although it is alone for name, the city of San Carlos from Bariloche. It possesses an excellent airport for an approach, the arrival procedure is very easy and he makes us also admire the mountain range of you walk them. The airport this among the navadas mountains of Argentinean south. And, as all the airports it also possesses dynamic airplanes and some effects at night, very good.

These are some of the airports that it includes this EXCELLENT scenario, to my pleasure, the best.
My recommendation is to fly by day to these last two airports, they admire this way, as me, the incredible landscape achieved in this excellent scenario.

Another very pretty thing is that all the airports possess a man that guides the airplane when we are parking.

Step to relate them a flight carried out in this excellent scenario: Already located in the Aeroparque Jorge Newbery, and with authorization to rotate to hint, I wait that an airplane in moimiento that me this going by antras, leave me free the cambino for the PUSHBACK, once carried out rotation to RWY 13, before locating me in her, I see a MD-83 approaching to land and, behind this other airplane that is not distinguished for the distance which is, once the landed md83, I take position and take offt, with the warning that I possess winds for right which I received them neither well take off. Once in the air, I carry out the exit procedure almost on the Rio de la Plata, already seeing, to 3000 feet, the whole coast of URUGUAY. Already settled down in the flight level and in in route to the Argentinean center, more specifically to the city of Córdoba, beginning to observe the elevation of the land, that is to say, the plains that are in the route.
Once begun the descent and studied the arrival procedure, we begin to observe with more detail the whole land. Already to 15 nm of the airport of the córdoba city we begin with right to carry out an arch until facing with the hint, in this stage, what subtracts is very easy.. ops.. I joust before mine I meet with an airplane that this landing, too much fence. Then I carry out a wait of 1 minute and I land without novelty. The airport of Córdoba possesses a quite long hint so we can arrive to this same one with an A340 if we want.

Good, I believe that what is them is enough as to convince them that to fly in Argentina is fascinating, because besides all this, we possess Control of virtual air traffic that everything makes a magnificent combination.

Conclusion: Do they want to fly an excellent route? Make BUENOS AIRES – MENDOZA, to a height not very high, they will enjoy it.

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