Keyring de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver red For Sale

Keyring de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver red
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Keyring de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver red:

You are buying 1 item as follows:KEYRING
de Havilland Canada DHC-2 BEAVERThe image shows Frontside and Backside of the item.

You are buying 1 item!

ApproximateDimensions of the keyring:


13 centimeter

5.1 inches


3 centimeter

1.2 inches

BLUE SKIES & HAPPY LANDINGS!You are buying 1 item as follows:KEYRING
de Havilland Canada DHC-2 BEAVERThe image shows Frontside and Backside of the item.

You are buying 1 item!

ApproximateDimensions of the keyring:


13 centimeter

5.1 inches


3 centimeter

1.2 inches

BLUE SKIES & HAPPY LANDINGS! Keyring de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver red Product DescriptionYou are buying 1 item as follows:KEYRING
de Havilland Canada DHC-2 BEAVERThe image shows Frontside and Backside of the item.

You are buying 1 item!

ApproximateDimensions of the keyring:


13 centimeter

5.1 inches


3 centimeter

1.2 inches


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